With the out break of Covid 19 the country has battened down the hatches and made our best effort to limit the effect of the Virus on the population.
As we loosen the restrictions, hopefully we will manage to keep the situation under control until a vaccine can be successfully produced.
However, as has been widely reported, the UK economy will likely take the biggest hit it has ever experienced, leading us into recession and tough times ahead.
Staycations are being promoted to get the UK holiday sector back up and running and I am sure we will all support our local shops, pubs, and gyms when they can re-open to give them a boost.
The same can be done in business. Supporting UK companies who sell UK produced goods should be considered, and changes made to support our home market and jobs.
British Made Steam Humidifiers
Competitors to the steam humidifier from Switzerland, Italy and America are sold in the UK, but offer little or no technical or price advantage. By comparison they have a large carbon footprint with the additional transportation and commonly have the disadvantage of longer lead times for delivery and poor technical back up.
This argument cannot only be made for humidifiers: in the HVAC sector the same could be said of Air handling units, close control air conditioning systems, controls, and sensors.
So, whether it be using your local butcher, having a holiday in the UK, or buying a steam humidifier – let’s pull together and consider buying British.